Employee Work Day at North Texas Food Bank! February, 2017 Here are some fun pictures from our Employee Work Day at the North Texas Food Bank. Stride raised over 3600 lbs of food from the generous donation of Stride, Stride’s clients and internal employees. Then we spent a half day volunteering by sorting other donations… Read more »
Human resources today has two distinct functions: help their companies improve their bottom line and meet the needs of the individuals in their businesses. The top H.R. professionals see themselves as business partners who specialize in H.R. Ideally, they will have attained the necessary business experience within the company before moving into human resources. H.R…. Read more »
A poorly written and improperly structured resume could eliminate you from consideration for the position you’ve been hoping to land. Recruiters and hiring managers don’t have the time to completely read every resume during the first round, so they scan through them. And if your resume is not easy to read and follow, it could… Read more »
All of your top employees appreciate being acknowledged for the efforts they have given and the results that have benefitted your company. And it is vital that you do recognize these high performers, even if it’s something as simple as a pat on the back or a kind word in front of everyone else in… Read more »
We all know we should be exercising and eating right, but it’s often easier to head straight home after work rather than hitting the gym. And, stopping for fast food along the way will save the time and energy required for a healthful meal. Now, here’s one more item to put on the list of… Read more »
It’s a rare employee who never misses a day of work. Inevitably, something comes up—illness, injury, sick kids, or personal business—that requires a worker to be away from the job. Occasional missed days are understandable, and their impact on your business is minimal. When missing work becomes habitual, however, it can’t be ignored. Intentional absence… Read more »