Is your budget for coming year just pages of wishful thinking? In many cases, it is. Businesses that are underperforming often believe by planning for bigger profits or greater revenues they are ensuring a better outcome. But a budget alone has no impact on what will happen in the next year within your organization. Here… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Staffing In Dallas
Treat Your Employees Like a Muscle Car
You probably know someone who owns or has owned a muscle car. Maybe you’ve had one yourself–that super-cool Shelby Mustang that roars like a lion or the Corvette that takes off like a cheetah. These are the cars that owners don’t leave out in the rain. They treat them like members of the family. And… Read more »
The Dual Role of Human Resources
Human resources today has two distinct functions: help their companies improve their bottom line and meet the needs of the individuals in their businesses. The top H.R. professionals see themselves as business partners who specialize in H.R. Ideally, they will have attained the necessary business experience within the company before moving into human resources. H.R…. Read more »